
We have spotted DISCORD (7 Letters) a total of 2 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with DISCORD and also when and where was it last seen:


Want of concord or agreement; absence of unity or harmony in sentiment or action; variance leading to contention and strife; disagreement; -- applied to persons or to things, and to thoughts, feelings, or purposes.
Union of musical sounds which strikes the ear harshly or disagreeably, owing to the incommensurability of the vibrations which they produce; want of musical concord or harmony; a chord demanding resolution into a concord.
To disagree; to be discordant; to jar; to clash; not to suit.

Referring crossword puzzle clues

Usage among publishers:

  • New York Times: Jun 17, 2024
  • Newsday: Jan 20, 2024