We have spotted FLAX (4 Letters) a total of 10 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with FLAX and also when and where was it last seen:
• | A plant of the genus Linum, esp. the L. usitatissimum, which has a single, slender stalk, about a foot and a half high, with blue flowers. The fiber of the bark is used for making thread and cloth, called linen, cambric, lawn, lace, etc. Linseed oil is expressed from the seed. |
• | The skin or fibrous part of the flax plant, when broken and cleaned by hatcheling or combing. |
Referring crossword puzzle clues
Usage among publishers:
- Eugene Sheffer: Sep 28, 2023
- Universal: Aug 13, 2023
- Wall Street Journal: Jul 29, 2023
- USA Today: May 29, 2023