We have spotted KNOCK (5 Letters) a total of 5 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with KNOCK and also when and where was it last seen:
• | To drive or be driven against something; to strike against something; to clash; as, one heavy body knocks against another. |
• | To strike or beat with something hard or heavy; to rap; as, to knock with a club; to knock on the door. |
• | To strike with something hard or heavy; to move by striking; to drive (a thing) against something; as, to knock a ball with a bat; to knock the head against a post; to knock a lamp off the table. |
• | To strike for admittance; to rap upon, as a door. |
• | A blow; a stroke with something hard or heavy; a jar. |
• | A stroke, as on a door for admittance; a rap. |
Referring crossword puzzle clues
Usage among publishers:
- New York Times: Dec 26, 2024