We have spotted LIGHTEN (7 Letters) a total of 3 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with LIGHTEN and also when and where was it last seen:
• | To descend; to light. |
• | To burst forth or dart, as lightning; to shine with, or like, lightning; to display a flash or flashes of lightning; to flash. |
• | To grow lighter; to become less dark or lowering; to brighten; to clear, as the sky. |
• | To make light or clear; to light; to illuminate; as, to lighten an apartment with lamps or gas; to lighten the streets. |
• | To illuminate with knowledge; to enlighten. |
• | To emit or disclose in, or as in, lightning; to flash out, like lightning. |
• | To free from trouble and fill with joy. |
• | To make lighter, or less heavy; to reduce in weight; to relieve of part of a load or burden; as, to lighten a ship by unloading; to lighten a load or burden. |
• | To make less burdensome or afflictive; to alleviate; as, to lighten the cares of life or the burden of grief. |
• | To cheer; to exhilarate. |
Referring crossword puzzle clues
Usage among publishers:
- Newsday: Oct 27, 2024
- Wall Street Journal: Oct 31, 2023