
We have spotted PARTICLE (8 Letters) a total of 4 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with PARTICLE and also when and where was it last seen:


A minute part or portion of matter; a morsel; a little bit; an atom; a jot; as, a particle of sand, of wood, of dust.
Any very small portion or part; the smallest portion; as, he has not a particle of patriotism or virtue.
A crumb or little piece of concecrated host.
The smaller hosts distributed in the communion of the laity.
A subordinate word that is never inflected (a preposition, conjunction, interjection); or a word that can not be used except in compositions; as, ward in backward, ly in lovely.

Referring crossword puzzle clues

Usage among publishers:

  • Eugene Sheffer: Mar 29, 2023
  • New York Times: Jan 20, 2023