We have spotted BODE (4 Letters) a total of 64 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with BODE and also when and where was it last seen:
• | To indicate by signs, as future events; to be the omen of; to portend to presage; to foreshow. |
• | To foreshow something; to augur. |
• | An omen; a foreshadowing. |
• | A bid; an offer. |
• | A messenger; a herald. |
• | A stop; a halting; delay. |
• | Abode. |
• | Bid or bidden. |
Referring crossword puzzle clues
Usage among publishers:
- New York Times: Apr 3, 2023
- Eugene Sheffer: Mar 24, 2023
- Newsday: Feb 26, 2023