
We have spotted CHESTNUT (8 Letters) a total of 1 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with CHESTNUT and also when and where was it last seen:


The edible nut of a forest tree (Castanea vesca) of Europe and America. Commonly two or more of the nuts grow in a prickly bur.
The tree itself, or its light, coarse-grained timber, used for ornamental work, furniture, etc.
A bright brown color, like that of the nut.
The horse chestnut (often so used in England).
One of the round, or oval, horny plates on the inner sides of the legs of the horse, and allied animals.
An old joke or story.
Of the color of a chestnut; of a reddish brown color; as, chestnut curls.

Referring crossword puzzle clues

Usage among publishers:

  • New York Times: May 15, 2024