We have spotted QUEEN (5 Letters) a total of 21 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with QUEEN and also when and where was it last seen:
• | The wife of a king. |
• | A woman who is the sovereign of a kingdom; a female monarch; as, Elizabeth, queen of England; Mary, queen of Scots. |
• | A woman eminent in power or attractions; the highest of her kind; as, a queen in society; -- also used figuratively of cities, countries, etc. |
• | The fertile, or fully developed, female of social bees, ants, and termites. |
• | The most powerful, and except the king the most important, piece in a set of chessmen. |
• | A playing card bearing the picture of a queen; as, the queen of spades. |
• | A male homosexual, esp. one who is effeminate or dresses in women's clothing. |
• | To act the part of a queen. |
• | To make a queen (or other piece, at the player's discretion) of by moving it to the eighth row; as, to queen a pawn. |
Referring crossword puzzle clues
- Minecraft material
- Hive leader
- Powerful chess piece
- All Hail the ___ (Latifah's debut album)
- Hive head
- Promoted pawn often
Usage among publishers:
- New York Times: Apr 22, 2024
- Thomas Joseph: Nov 21, 2023
- USA Today: Jul 29, 2023
- USA Today: Mar 29, 2023
- Eugene Sheffer: Mar 22, 2023
- Wall Street Journal: Jan 7, 2023