We have spotted WORLD (5 Letters) a total of 44 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with WORLD and also when and where was it last seen:
• | The earth and the surrounding heavens; the creation; the system of created things; existent creation; the universe. |
• | Any planet or heavenly body, especially when considered as inhabited, and as the scene of interests analogous with human interests; as, a plurality of worlds. |
• | The earth and its inhabitants, with their concerns; the sum of human affairs and interests. |
• | In a more restricted sense, that part of the earth and its concerns which is known to any one, or contemplated by any one; a division of the globe, or of its inhabitants; human affairs as seen from a certain position, or from a given point of view; also, state of existence; scene of life and action; as, the Old World; the New World; the religious world; the Catholic world; the upper world; the future world; the heathen world. |
• | The customs, practices, and interests of men; general affairs of life; human society; public affairs and occupations; as, a knowledge of the world. |
• | Individual experience of, or concern with, life; course of life; sum of the affairs which affect the individual; as, to begin the world with no property; to lose all, and begin the world anew. |
• | The inhabitants of the earth; the human race; people in general; the public; mankind. |
• | The earth and its affairs as distinguished from heaven; concerns of this life as distinguished from those of the life to come; the present existence and its interests; hence, secular affairs; engrossment or absorption in the affairs of this life; worldly corruption; the ungodly or wicked part of mankind. |
• | As an emblem of immensity, a great multitude or quantity; a large number. |
Referring crossword puzzle clues
- What in the ___?
- Globe
- ___ humanity!
- Our home
- Any planet
- The ___ is your oyster
- Belonging to former times
Usage among publishers:
- USA Today: Nov 1, 2024
- Thomas Joseph: Sep 23, 2024
- Wall Street Journal: Apr 5, 2024
- Thomas Joseph: Dec 13, 2023
- Newsday: Oct 16, 2023
- Universal: Feb 2, 2023
- Wall Street Journal: Jan 19, 2023